十人套餐 Banquet for 10 - $938 (龍蝦 Lobster) / $818(肉蟹 Crab)

佳宴五福大拼盤 Favourite Kitchen Large Combination Cold Platter in Five Kind

雙色蒸帶子 Steamed Scallops in Two Kinds of Sauce

海參瑤柱羹 Sea Cucumber & Dry Scallop Soup

薑蔥焗龍蝦/肉蟹(生麵底) Lobster/Crab Ginger and Shallots with Egg Noodles

清蒸游水魚 Steamed Live Fish

自選四款精美小菜 Select 4 Main Dishes

精美小菜 Main Dishes
椒鹽焗肉排 Deep Fried Pork Ribs with Spicy Salt 生炒排骨 Deep Fried Pork Ribs with Sweet & Sour Sauce
蜜椒牛仔骨 Beef short ribs with Honey Pepper Sauce 蒜片牛柳 Sautéed Beef Fillet with Garlic
芥蘭牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Chinese Broccoli 孜然牛肉 Sautéed Beef with Chinese Herbs
風沙雞 Deep Fried Crispy Skin Chicken in Hong Kong Style 香茅雞扒 Supreme Chicken Ribs with Lemon Grass
黃金雞扒 Supreme Chicken Ribs with Salted Egg Yolk 黃金蝦球 Sautéed King Prawns with Salted Egg Yolk
五柳魚球 Sautéed Fish Fillets with Mixed Pickles 時菜炒魚球 Sautéed Fish Fillets with Seasonal Vegetables
魚香茄子煲 Spicy Eggplant with Minced Chicken in Clay Pot 粉絲雜菜煲 Vermicelli and Mixed Vegetables in Clay Pot
XO粉絲蝦球煲 XO King Prawns with Vermicelli in Clay Pot 海鮮豆腐煲 Seafood & Beancurd with Vegetables in Clay Pot
梅菜扣肉煲 Braised Sliced Pork Belly with Preserved Vegs 乾煸四季豆 Sautéed string Bean with Minced Chicken
XO炒鮮魷魚 Sautéed Calamari with XO sauce 花菇扒鴨掌 Braised Duck Feet with Chinese Mushroom
竹笙扒玉子豆腐 Supreme Bamboo Fungus with Egg Tofu 椒鹽豆腐 Deep Fried Bean Curd with Spicy Salt
金銀蛋浸時蔬 Seasonal Vegetable with Salted & Century Egg XO炒蜆油條底 Sautéed Pipis with XO Chilli sauce and Chinese Donut
套餐奉送 : 絲苗白飯, 生果盤, 茗茶 Banquet includes Fruit Platter, Steamed Rice and Chinese Tea