1188套餐 (1188 Set)
佳宴五福拼盆 (Cold Platter in Five Kinds) |
百花炸釀蟹鉗 (Stuffed Crab Claw) |
紅燒竹笙翅 (Shark Fin Soup) |
薑蔥焗龍蝦麵 (Lobster with Ginger Shallot on Noodle) |
蠔皇原隻珍珠鮑魚 (Cocktail Abalone with Oyster Sauce) |
清蒸游水花鱸 (Steamed Live Murray Cod) |
貴妃走地鷄 (Free Range Chicken) |
蒜片和牛球 (Wagyu Ball with Garlic Sauce) |
金銀蛋浸時蔬 (Seasonal Vegetable in two kinds of egg) |
絲苗白飯 (Steamed Rice) |
$1188 每围 10 人 , 奉送汽水 2 Jug, 红酒 1 支,精美果盘,茗茶。