1188套餐 (1188 Set)

佳宴五福拼盆 (Cold Platter in Five Kinds)

百花炸釀蟹鉗 (Stuffed Crab Claw)

紅燒竹笙翅 (Shark Fin Soup)

薑蔥焗龍蝦麵 (Lobster with Ginger Shallot on Noodle)

蠔皇原隻珍珠鮑魚 (Cocktail Abalone with Oyster Sauce)

清蒸游水花鱸 (Steamed Live Murray Cod)

貴妃走地鷄 (Free Range Chicken)

蒜片和牛球 (Wagyu Ball with Garlic Sauce)

金銀蛋浸時蔬 (Seasonal Vegetable in two kinds of egg)

絲苗白飯 (Steamed Rice)

$1188 每围 10 人 , 奉送汽水 2 Jug, 红酒 1 支,精美果盘,茗茶。