時菜/素菜 Vegetables/ Vegetarian Dishes

時菜 Vegetables

豉油皇炒什菌 Sautéed Mixed Fresh Mushrooms with Soy Sauce $28.80

竹笙什菌扒時蔬 Braised Bamboo Fungus and Mushroom with Vegetables $28.80

瑤柱扒時蔬 Sautéed Dried Scallop with Vegetable $32.80

蒜茸炒豆苗 Sautéed Snow Pea Sprouts with Garlic $28.80

上湯豆苗 Sautéed Snow Pea Sprouts with Clear Broth $28.80

金銀蛋浸菠菜 Spinach with Salted & Century Egg in Clear Broth $28.80

姜汁紹酒炒芥蘭 Sautéed Chinese Broccoli with Ginger and Chinese Wine $26.80

蒜茸芥蘭 Sautéed Chinese Broccoli with Garlic $26.80

椒絲腐乳炒通菜 Sautéed Kang Kong with Chilli and Preserved Bean Curd $28.80

馬拉棧炒通菜 Sautéed Kang Kong with Belacan Sauce $28.80

XO 醬炒四季豆 Sautéed String Bean with XO Sauce $26.80

素菜 Vegetarian Dishes

齋生菜包 Vegetarian San Choi Bao $7.80

竹笙冬菇扒玉子豆腐 Supreme Mixed Mushrooms and Bamboo Fungus with Egg Tofu $36.80

竹笙什菌扒時蔬 Braised Bamboo Fungus and Mushroom with Vegetables $36.80

椒鹽豆腐 Deep Fried Bean Curd with Salt & Pepper $28.80

素麻婆豆腐 Supreme Vegetarian Ma Bo Tofu $28.80

羅漢燴上素 Buddha Choice $32.80

冬菇粉絲什菜煲 Chinese Mushroom Vermicelli and Vegetable in Claypot $32.80

素魚香茄子煲 Supreme Vegetarian Spicy Eggplant in Claypot $32.80

椰汁南瓜芋頭栗子煲 Pumpkin, Taro and Chestnut with Coconut Sauce in Claypot $32.80